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› Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
 Below is a list of frequently asked questions relating to this site and its features.

On This Page:

F.A.Q was last updated on the following date: May 27th, 2007.
1. Who can create an online memorial?
A memorial can be created by anyone, for anyone. We do however request that memorials only be created for individuals you know personally to avoid any duplication.
2. Is there a cost associated with this service?
In short, yes there is a cost associated with the services we provide. This is due to a decision we made that we would never post AD's on our site (as a lot of other sites do for revenue), ensuring the highest level of respect is always maintained.

With that said, creating an online memorial is free, and all extended services will remain free for a period of 2 months. During this time pledges can be made by visitors to the memorial, and once the total sum of all pledges reaches $100.00 (ie. 10 people pledge $10 each) the memorial will remain online without disruption forever. However, if not enough pledges are made; only the basic memorial information will remain available (until the pledges reach $100). For details on what information is considered an extended service please see our site terms and conditions.
3. What is an online memorial?
An online memorial is a profile (or series of web pages) dedicated to an individual that has passed away. The purpose of an online memorial is to provide a venue for loved ones to share memories and support one another following the passing of an individual. Extended memorial features allow family, friends and even site visitors to post stories, candles, photos and memories about this individual in a unique designed and respectful online community environment.
4. How will others find a memorial?
There are four primary methods to find or retrieve an online memorial.
  • Using web search engines such as Google™, Yahoo™ and Microsoft© Live Search.
  • Searching the memorial through the special search functionality of our website.
  • By browsing various memorials with a specifically requested criterion.
And most commonly;
  • Directly through the memorials unique link. This is the link located at the bottom of each page within a memorial that follows the following format: http://www.iwillremember.ca/JohnSmith, where JohnSmith is a unique name or description.
    This link never changes, and is accessible worldwide by anyone with an internet connection.
5. When I create a memorial, when will it be available?
Once you complete all the steps to create an online memorial, it is available immediately. However, this memorial will only contain the basic information, so it is important to edit the memorial from your My Memorials page within the member's area to add further content. [See FAQ #7]
6. How long does it take to create a memorial?
The creation of an online memorial can take anywhere between 2 and 5 minutes depending on the typing speed of the person creating it, and the amount of information being provided.
7. How do I edit a memorial I have created?
Once you have created a memorial, you simply need to login to your members page, click on My Memorials and then Edit Site listed beside the memorial you wish to modify.
  • Login to the member's page.
  • Click My Memorials.
  • Click Edit beside the memorial you wish to modify.
8. What do I do to report an abuse of I Will Remember's services?
At I Will Remember we take your privacy and the privacy of your loved ones very seriously. For this reason, we have built in multiple 'Report Abuse' links throughout each online memorial site. By clicking these links, we are automatically notified of any abuse/infringements made by others and we will then act accordingly (depending on the type of abuse that has taken place). To report an entire memorial as a forgery or an abusive of services, there is a link located at the bottom left hand side of each memorial page.
9. How do I transfer a memorial that I own?
If you no longer wish to be the owner/administrator of a memorial you can transfer this responsibility to someone else. To do this, edit the memorial [See FAQ #7] and click on Transfer from the edit bar. Enter the email address of the person you wish to transfer ownership to and submit this form.
  • Edit the Memorial
  • Click Transfer
  • Enter the full email address of the new owner, and submit.
10. What happens once I transfer a memorial?
Once an online memorial is transferred the request is then placed in your Transfer History [See FAQ #11] so you can monitor the status of this request at any time. If the person is not a site member, they will be sent an email notifying them of the pending transfer and the steps needed to take ownership of the memorial. If they are already have a membership, they will receive an email notifying them of the incoming transfer and a link to review and accept/decline ownership of the memorial.
11. What is my 'Transfer History'?
Your Transfer History page shows the latest 50 outbound memorial sites you have sent to others to assume ownership of. It will show the site name, the email address it has been sent to and the status of the request.
12. How do I remove/delete a memorial?
A memorial can be removed by clicking Delete while editing it from My Memorials [See FAQ #7]. Once a memorial has been confirmed for deletion the following takes place and not reversible:
  • All guestbook entries, stories, memories and candles are permanently deleted.
  • All photos, visitor photos and albums are permanently deleted.
  • Any requested anniversary notifications are removed.
  • The memorial is removed from all members MyList [See FAQ #14].
Just like modifying other areas of a memorial, the memorial can only be deleted by the current owner.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you with to change the name under which the memorial was created, contact us to do so; do not delete the entire memorial.
13. How many memorials can I create?
While anyone can create an unlimited number of memorials, we do restrict the total number of memorials created daily to 10 memorials per member to reduce risk of mass signups or phony memorials.
14. What is MyList, and what is it used for?
Your MyList is a custom list that you create and maintain that contains memorials that you find of personal meaning or interest. This list can only be seen and manage by yourself via your Start page in the member's area. Your Start page is automatically customized to show the latest updates and additions [See FAQ # 15] based on the memorials saved to your MyList.
15. What are 'Updates and Additions' and what do they track?
Updates and Additions is built in dynamic feed that every memorial contains to reflect the last 300 updates and additions made to that memorial. This allows visitors to quickly view and filter items they haven't see before, or new items posted.
This Updates and Additions feed tracks the following changes:
  • All Guestbook, Story, Candle and Memory posts.
  • Legacy additions and changes.
  • Photo Albums, Visitor Photos and Photo Comments.
  • Any Main Photo updates.
  • Visitation and Funeral service information additions or changes.
  • Pledges / Sponsorships.
  • Date and time of Memorials the creation.
16. How do I update my personal account information?
Various aspects of your personal information can be changed at anytime via the Settings link within the member's area. For example, to change your name; click Settings, then Basic Information.
17. I no longer wish to receive emails from other members, how do I stop this?
We respect your privacy, and will never share your email address with anyone (including other members). However, if you no longer wish to receive emails from other members through our anonymous notification system, login to your member account, click Settings, then Email Notifications. On this page, toggle the 'Allow other members to contact me' setting to 'No' and save.
  • Login to the member's page.
  • Click Settings
  • Click Email Notifications
  • Toggle 'Allow other members to contact me' to 'No' and save.
18. I have a different problem or question, who do I contact?
If you can't find the answer here, or you have a different question please do not hesitate to contact us. We'd be more then happy to assist you with your question or problem and strive to reply to your query within 24 hours.
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