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Joann H. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 09, 2014 at 5:00 AM EDT
No message supplied.

Mommy A. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2014 at 11:10 AM EDT
My dearest Angel( I love and miss you always. You are always in my heart. I can't believe it has been 6 years since you received your wings. Where does the time go? Love Always & Forever, Mommy xxoo

Len C. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2013 at 2:29 PM EDT
Your love still shines.

Len C. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2013 at 2:29 PM EDT
Your love continues to shine.

Mommy A. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2013 at 8:58 AM EDT
Always in our hearts! Forever and ever! Mommy xxoo

Maureen H. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on May 17, 2012 at 2:20 AM EDT
Hey Faithie. Your Grandma, Roger, Paddy and I visited your eternal resting place on the occasion of your 6th birthday, as you know. We wish that you were still here with us to celebrate it. But, God had other plans.

We all love you and miss you and keep you in our hearts every day. And you continue to inspire us to be the best we all can be.

Love Great Auntie Mau xoxox

Michele H. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on May 16, 2012 at 6:12 AM EDT
To My Angel Faith~Today is your 6th Birthday and your 5th in Heaven with God and Jesus. I know you are always watching over your Mommy, Dad-Dee, Brogan, Lylah, Brodi and all who will forever love you. Not one day goes by that I don't think of you and remember how you shared your happiness and love of life with all you whom touched. Your little sister is quite like you in many ways and just as beautiful but you already know that. I wished you could have grown up with your big brother Brogan and little sister Lylah. When they visit you where you're resting Lylah knows you. She was your gift as promised. Brogan just turned 10 and Lylah 3~wow! Brodi misses you too. Lylah looks after him for you. I will visit you today to leave your usual b/d card, ornament and wishes through prayer. I don't sense you like before but I know you are always amongst us reminding us to continue to love and believe. I will forever love and miss you, Great-Grandma/Don-Don with a void in my heart. Luv~Grandma

Daddy .. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Apr 22, 2011 at 2:01 PM EDT
Hi Faithie! Happy Easter 2011. I came to visit you yesterday and filled you in on how everybody was doing. I love you and we all miss you very much!

Nerissa K. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Aug 27, 2009 at 3:19 PM EDT
Dear Pam and Patrick and family,
My thoughts are with you all. Faith is truly one of Gods little angels. May god bless you all. Thank you for sharing this memorial site with me it is beautiful.

Nerissa Khan ( Hygienist at Dr. Adatia's)

Erin W. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jun 29, 2009 at 12:44 AM EDT
Pam, Pat and Brogan. We are so honoured to have known Faith. She was truely one of a kind. Abbey misses her, and often wants to go and play at "Faith's Park". Faith taught us all a special lesson. Make everyday your best day ever! And we know that is exactly what Faith did - she was never without a smile.

Faith is our little Angel - her magnet sits on the inside of our front door. I look at her every time I leave the house - and know that she watches us.

We love you Faith and we miss you. Wayne, Erin, Colleen and Abbey Winson

Jamie E. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on May 18, 2009 at 1:42 PM EDT
"Do not stand at my grave and forever weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn's rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush.
Of quiet birds in circled flight,
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and forever cry,
I am not there...I did not die."

Mommy A. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on May 16, 2009 at 1:08 PM EDT
Happy 3rd Birthday to my Angel of Faithie! I love you very much and miss you dearly. I will never ever forget you, my Boosie! You are truly a blessing from God. See you in Heaven one day, my Angel. Love Always, Mommy, Daddy, Brogan, Lylah and Brodi. xxoo!

Daddy .. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on May 15, 2009 at 5:07 PM EDT
No message supplied.

Debby P. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Mar 30, 2009 at 11:45 AM EDT
I did not know you personally Faith but by all the loving messages I can see that you were exactly like my little girl. Your spirit will always live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved you.

Elaine K. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Feb 02, 2009 at 10:49 AM EDT
No message supplied.

Michele H. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 13, 2009 at 4:36 PM EDT
Faithie as your "bestest" babysitter Alison quoted-you celebrated your 1st b/d with God on Thurs., Jan. 8/09. Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Uncle Chris, Great-Auntie Mau, Alison & I visited our Sleeping Beauty that day. I'm sorry I tried to "keep it together" for us all to no avail especially after I read the poem "She's Gone". Strangely enough-or not-Rev. Paul Ivany recited the same poem @your memorial service on Sat., Jan. 10/09. Again little reminders are shown that you are both with us. Two deer darted thru the cemetary at that same instant we gathered. All my family have sighted cardinals & doves throughout this year but nothing will ever compare to the white dove on my balcony 1 wk. later & picking up the dropped Bible with my left thumb on pg. 602. All the kisses & tears will not awaken Sleeping Beauty but your love for us has awakened our souls. You are now onto b/d #2 with God, one that you didn't have with us, but your kisses of love prevail in our hearts 4ever. L-Grandma xo

Bernadette W. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 10, 2009 at 1:06 PM EDT
Faith, I did not know you except in pictures - I just know that you are were an angel then and you have got to be an angel now because there is no way such a beautiful life could be taken so early for any other reason -

Saf S. wrote:
Signed on Jan 09, 2009 at 1:46 AM EDT
No message supplied.

Maxine A. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 11:22 PM EDT
Faith-" belief and trust in God".................your mom picked the pefect name for you Faith! Whenever I see your big, beautiful eyes, and your sweet innocent face, I know that there must be a God and you are in his arms. You brought so much joy to everyone you touched...........just like an angel. You will remain forever in our hearts....Auntie Max

Great Auntie Mau H. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 7:30 PM EDT
Our Dear Little Beloved Faithie: Today it has been one year since we lost both you and your Great Grandma. Perhaps, you showed yourselves to us today at the cemetary when the family sighted two deer ( a little one and a bigger one).

We remember you and miss you each and every day. But, because of that, you have never really left us. We were and are still blessed by your presence, albeit no longer tangible. You have taught us many things, the most of important of which is that me must love and cherish our family because time is ever so short and precious.

Our hope is that you are in peace together and that you will continue to speak to us and guide us along our way. My heart aches today for Pam, Pat, Brogan, Grandma, Nana, Papa, all of your family and extended family and even your beloved puppy. I know how much they miss you ,as do I. Words cannot describe. But for now, we will try to take solace with Faith and hope that we will one day all be together with you.

Until then,

Lindsay L. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 5:42 PM EDT
Hi Pam, Pat and Brogan - I am sitting here right now thinking of all of you and I am also remembering little Faith - she was such a beautiful little girl and missed so vewry much.Take care and talk soon. Love Lindsay and family

Alison C. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 5:14 PM EDT
We miss you every day Faith, forever in our hearts.

Darlene C. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 12:13 PM EDT
In commemoration of a life so dear, so short, but lived so fully. I pray for you and your family, that you may be able to reach them by instilling constant unwaiving FAITH & LOVE to continue to go on until you all meet again.


Rowena M. wrote:
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 10:30 AM EDT
To our dear Faith -- I'm so sorry we live so far away and never got the chance to meet you. As I look at your beautiful smile and bright, gorgeous eyes I feel as though I've known you forever. Being a mom, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this day must be for my cousins Patrick and Pam and my nephew, Brogan. We all miss you very much. Sleep well, our little angel. We love you very much. Love always -- The Montgomery Family (Charles Sr., Rowena, Charles Jr., and Christopher)

Mommy A. wrote: [unregistered visitor]
Signed on Jan 08, 2009 at 9:10 AM EDT
Faithie, Today is definitely not the hardest day of my life, but my heart aches from missing you so much. You brought so much love and light to our families and especially to me, who you liked to mimick so much. I will always love you, my precious angel of Faith and know that we have been blessed just to have you, if only for 602 days.
Love Always with my heart and soul,
Mommy xxoo
"Everybody needs a little Faith."

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Message: Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Saf S.
Message: Faithie, I love and miss you very much. You ...
Memorial Link: http://www.iwillremember.ca/faithali
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