Sponsor Jacqueline Lavigne's Memorial
You will be the first to sponsor Jacqueline's memorial. Sponsorship pledges range anywhere from $5.00 to $100.00. Once the total of all the pledges made reach $100.00 Jacqueline's memorial will be fully sponsored and stay online for an eternity.
We Ensure You're Protected
To ensure your personal financial information stays secure we use PayPal™, the current global leader in secure online payment solutions. With over 100 million account members worldwide PayPal™ processes millions of secure transactions every day, and has won a countless number of awards for its secure online payment solutions.
How Our Online Payment System Works
After confirming the details of your sponsorship (above), you will then be sent to PayPal™'s secure site to provide your financial details. Once your payment is approved, you will be returned back to our website where the full sponsorship amount will then be immediately applied to Jacqueline's memorial ensuring that your personal information stays secure at all times.